HANDLING THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY SUPPLY CHAIN. From handling earthmover tyres in a quarry, to quickly loading bricks and blocks onto a lorry, Hyster-Yale Lift Trucks Singapore offers a diverse range of tough trucks to help move various materials through the construction supply chain. Building on years’ of experience and success in the sector, we can bring efficient handling, optimal productivity, fast cycle times and minimised risk of damaging valuable, and often fragile materials to every operation. Whether it is production or logistics of blocks, precast, glass, aggregates, marble, or any other building material, Hyster aims to lower the total cost of ownership and deliver exceptional reliability to these tough and dusty environments. CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS HANDLING SOLUTIONS. Globally, and in the Singapore region, the construction industry is sustaining continuous and steady growth. With thousands of infrastructure, industrial, domestic, and o ther projects under construction, the demand for building materials is also growing significantly. Moving building materials from a quarry to a factory, from a factory to a distributor or a customer, or from a supplier to an end user all requires suitable and capable means of materials handling. We utilise years of knowledge and experience in designing and building tough trucks, and developing specific solutions for the construction industry supply chain.